About Dardis Communications

We teach clients to speak as well as they think

Dardis Communications is the leading professional training company in the Midwest.

Greg Dardis founded the company in 2002. Since then, Dardis Communications has enhanced the careers of thousands of professionals. We help our customers become stronger leaders and communicators.

Each Dardis program emphasizes practical, effective skills that participants can apply immediately. Our training approach focuses on five core skill sets:

  1. Effective communication and presentation skills
  2. Professional image and etiquette
  3. Consultative selling
  4. Business writing
  5. Executive coaching and development

The Dardis executive coaches guide thousands of professionals to stronger career skills, increased confidence and improved business results. Companies such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Principal Financial Group and Wells Fargo partner with Dardis to enhance the skills of their teams. You also can choose to improve the abilities of key employees in one of our public programs.

Meet Our Clients