Dardis Makes Remote Learning Easy

laptop on a desk looking out on an open window

Learn At The Lake

Hopefully, you’ll be enjoying a change of scenery sometime this summer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t receive Dardis’ premiere executive coaching. Log in from any remote location—the cabin, the hotel, the Airbnb, the in-laws’—and take our Virtual Communication Skills (VCS) course. It’s loaded with tips and tricks to elevate your online presence.

When it comes to virtual meetings, many professionals are coasting by with mediocre skills. These skills are considered adequate mainly because they match their peers’ level. But they’re not necessarily good. They certainly don’t reflect their knowledge base and leadership skills.

Summer is a perfect time to finally receive training in virtual communication. Our quick-and-easy VCS course will make you a pro! And it’ll feel great to finally master the ins and outs of online meetings rather than skate by with the sloppy, stumbling approach that remains so common, years after Covid first forced us onto Zoom.

The VCS course covers a range of skills for virtual communication, including:

  • The positioning of the camera
  • A professional background
  • Proper lighting
  • Use of mute button
  • Eye contact
  • Delivery of content
  • Pacing
  • Closing

These are issues that most professionals have been guessing at for years now. Do you look straight into the camera when you speak or down at the box on your screen showing the other people? Do you blur your background or perch yourself in front of a bookshelf?

It’s time to finally settle these matters—and practice them—to establish a more polished virtual presence. We have received resoundingly positive feedback on this course. They tell us the training was desperately needed and that they didn’t receive it elsewhere.

The benefit of our VCS course is immediate: heightened professionalism. You’ll show your boss (and colleagues) that you can effectively lead from any location. And you know what that might lead to? More time at the lake! Sign up for our VCS course today!