Buckle Up for May!

you got this sign on a desk

Staying Sane, Saying Thanks

Buckle up! May is a wild ride. Our calendar is bursting, and I bet yours is too.

This is a season to go easy on others—and yourself. Remember that most people you encounter are busy, tired and stressed. A simple thanks goes a long way. Take a moment to recognize the effort that led to a successful event. Salute a coach, compliment a teacher, congratulate a graduate, acknowledge a staff person. A few well-chosen words can give a boost that lasts all day.



President & CEO



two women having small talk outside

How to Small Talk Like a Pro

This month is packed with social gatherings, bringing many opportunities for small talk. You don’t have to dread those exchanges. Instead, view them as an opportunity to learn something new and go in with a listening mindset.

Here are five topics to bring up at your next graduation party:

1. Summer plans. What are you planning for the summer? Any trips you’d like to take?

2. Weather. Each spring the Midwest provides plenty of wild weather to keep the conversation rolling. Your preparedness for the weather of the day counts—as does the state of your yard/garden/landscaping project.

3. TV shows. What are you watching? Anything you recommend?

4. Hobbies. What do you do for fun? Have you tried your hand at anything new?

5. Family. How’s everyone doing? How old are the kids now? What are they up to?

Avoid topics such as politics and religion that could drive a wedge in conversation. It’s also best to steer clear of gossip or negative commentary. We all need to vent but save it for a private moment with a close friend or spouse.

Keep the conversation focused on the other person and truly listen to what he or she has to say.

Stay engaged, show that you’re listening and ask good questions and soon you’ll be making great connections.

Recommended Reading

Perhaps you’ve heard of the 80/20 principle: 20 percent of our effort accounts for 80 percent of our results. This bestseller explains how the principle works and how we can use it in a practical way to improve our careers and our companies. It’s a helpful guide for anyone feeling overwhelmed this busy season, guiding us to the magic 20 where we can have the most significant impact.

Learn More Here >

the 80/20 principle book cover

Client Testimonial

“I wish I would have taken this course 20 years ago.  It would have been one of the top 3 most impactful of my career.”

John Deere manager and recent Dardis grad

2023 Public Schedule


Leadership Presentation & Image Skills 

June 7 & 8 – Des Moines

August 16 & 17 – Des Moines

October 10 & 11 – Des Moines

November 28 & 29 – Des Moines


Virtual Communication Solutions 

July 24–27

October 23–26