Something to Celebrate | October Newsletter

70 Candles

Last weekend we celebrated my dad’s 70th birthday with live music, family and friends. The weather was perfect – warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. It felt like we had squeezed out the final drops of summer.

There are many shifts underway this season, and I hope you can pause and mark them in meaningful ways. Gather your people and find something to celebrate! You deserve it.


President & CEO

The Great Resignation 

A record number of Americans have been quitting their jobs this year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. We’re talking about an exodus of 3 million a month.

A massive survey conducted by the 2021 Work Trend Index concluded that workers feel their supervisors are out of touch and need a wake-up call. They are exhausted and report that too much is being asked of them. This isn’t just their imagination; the digital intensity of their workdays has increased significantly. Microsoft took a close look at this and found ample evidence:

  • The number of emails delivered in February 2021 compared with February 2020 was up by 40.6 billion.
  • The average meeting is 10 minutes longer, increasing from 35 to 45 minutes.
  • The average Microsoft Teams user was sending 42 percent more chats per person after hours.

What does this mean for you?

It’s never been more important for an employer to create a positive culture at work. Make time for team-building! Look into ways to lighten their digital load and shorten their meetings. Invest in professional development through Dardis programs or other highly rated executive training. And don’t be afraid to ask your employees about their well-being and their work-life balance.

Recommended Reading

When I saw Elon Musk had endorsed Peter Thiel’s book Zero to One, I was intrigued. Elon offered generous praise, writing: “Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero To One shows how.”

The book lays out many insights for start-ups and small businesses. I appreciated Peter’s emphasis on having a great sales team. Real selling is when customers are not even aware that selling is happening, Peter writes.

Client Testimonial

“I was hesitant prior to the start of the session, anxious about the amount of public speaking, but it was broken down into manageable, fear-reducing steps that eased all the anxiety.”

-Financial worker and recent Dardis grad


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Any Time.


Now is the perfect time to develop your virtual communication skills for video calls, conferences, webinars, and virtual meetings. Harness a virtual advantage and develop the core skills necessary to connect with audiences no matter their physical location.

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