Has working at home made you comfortable? Maybe a little too comfortable?
As organizations start bringing employees back into the office, now is the perfect time to sharpen your communication skills with Dardis. Operating remotely for more than a year has made us all rusty.
When it’s time to resume all those client meetings and presentations, we’ll ensure that you hit the
ground running.
President & CEO
At Dardis Communications, we believe language unlocks powerful insights. This is true not just in dramatic boardroom presentations and meetings but in everyday conversation as well.
Celeste Headlee, a veteran radio host, understands this. She draws on her experience interviewing people on air in her TED talk, which outlines 10 rules for more meaningful conversation.
1. Don’t multi-task. Set down your keys, your phone and be present.
2. Don’t pontificate. Conversation is a two-way street, not a monologue.
3. Use open-ended questions. Don’t ask, “Were you angry?” Instead ask: “What was that like?” “How did that feel?”
4. Go with the flow. Let go of the unrelated stories and ideas flitting onto your mind.
5. If you don’t know, say that you don’t know. Assume you can learn from every conversation.
6. Don’t compare your experience with theirs. It’s not the same, and it’s not about you.
7. Try not to repeat yourself.
8. Stay out of the weeds. They don’t need all the dates and details.
9. Listen. When you listen well, you’re listening with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply.
10. Be brief.
Celeste ends her talk with this powerful statement: “Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”
Our longtime instructor Paul Johnson introduced me to the work of this acclaimed psychologist. His new book, “Chatter,” reveals the power of our inner voice and shows how to harness it in order to live a more satisfying, productive life. I love the case studies, like the pitcher who forgets how to pitch. This book is packed with insight!
“Hands down the best content and presentation of any training I have had in 25 years.”
-Healthcare worker and recent Dardis grad
Now is the perfect time to develop your virtual communication skills for video calls, conferences, webinars, and virtual meetings. Harness a virtual advantage and develop the core skills necessary to connect with audiences no matter their physical location.
Learn More About Virtual Communication Skills Training
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