The Five Elements of Challenge Introductions

A challenge introduction is a request for a meeting. This can be via a social network platform, email or even over the phone.

Challenge introductions can be broken down into these five elements:

  1. Name drop
    We build authenticity and verification by mentioning a name and/or company that we are sure the customer will recognize.
  2. The challenge
    State the issue in one sentence, because word count is everything; for example, XYZ company needed to grow their sales in a new market.
  3. Share the Results
    Share the performance improvement. Including numerical value for the improvement is ideal.
  4. Connection
    Don’t offer to fix a problem. This comes off as being negative. Instead ask to learn more about their objectives to determine how you can be of value.
  5. Invitation
    Now the hook as we’ve earned the right to invite a meeting. Give them some dates to call you back; for example, Call me between today and Thursday. Offer to call them if they can’t connect. It is best to give them a date that you will reach out to them if you don’t hear from them. This is an invitation, not a threat. We are doing them a favor by honoring their schedule.

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