Every country around the world has its own customs for meeting and greeting. With all the cultural nuances, do research so that you not only make a great first impression but you put your audience at ease. Before you “shake on it,” consider a few common greeting rituals around the world:
- China – The Chinese nod or bow slightly when greeting another person, although handshakes are common.
- Japan – It is normal to shake hands frequently. Sometimes a bow is included or substituted.
- France – The French always shake hands in business meetings, but all other greetings involve kissing cheeks.
- Russia – Russians tend to shake hands frequently but never while wearing gloves.
- South Africa – A strong handshake and a good grip are appreciated in this country.
- India and Pakistan – Hosts in these countries shake hands by grasping your hand in both of theirs and briefly holding your hand.
The bottom line: Do your homework. As a result, you will create a warm and welcoming environment.
How are your business etiquette skills? Brush up at a Dardis Professional Presence, Image & Etiquette program this year!